βž•Create & Delegate Job

You can make new Jobs for your team in a matter of seconds - here is how.

Jobs are how you delegate and manage the work your team needs to do. To make your work management extra powerful, you can attach as many Workflows as you like to help your team effectively complete & document their work.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Add Details. In the edit screen, you can complete the information for the Job. Be sure to include anything that you think is helpful for the person completeing the work (Assignee).

  2. Add References. Attach and documents or photos to the job that your team might need while performing the assigned work. These can be site maps/plans, SLDs, marked up pictures from previous visits, etc.

You will now see this new Job in your list.

Tip: The Notes field is a great space to add any extra information, like any observations from remote monitoring data or from previous site visits.

Last updated