Create a Workflow
Workflow are a flexible way to document and share you proccesses across your whole team and external stakeholders.
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Workflow are a flexible way to document and share you proccesses across your whole team and external stakeholders.
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Workflow features are only available to Provider orgs and Full Access orgs. Guest installer orgs cannot create and edit their custom workflows.
You can get started making Workflows in the Workflow tab on the web app by clicking in the top right of the page.
Click the "Add a workflow title" field at the top of the page to name your new Workflow. This is what will show when you share a workflow or try to add it to a Job.
Click the "Add workflow description" field to add a description of the workflows goals, tasks, and/or outcomes.
Click the + to add your first card.
Add step title by clicking the "Add step title" field. This title is what is displayed in the Workflow Review view and in PDF reports. Please use it to summarize/label the work in the step. Save your changes by clicking out of the field.
Add text by clicking the "Add instructions" field. Save your changes by clicking out of the field.
Add an Image by clicking the + in the top box. You can upload a new photo or select one from your library.
Press the + on the bottom box to add specific inputs to the step. If you prefer, you can leave the button as "No input", meaning there will not be a button associated with that card. Options: Confirm - Individual yes button Pass/Fail - binary pass or fail buttons Text - forces user to input text-only characters Number - forces user to input number-only characters
Change Order. Use the numbered box to change the order of steps by clicking and typing in the new step # you want to move it to.
Delete a Step. Click the three dots in the top right corner of the card, and select the Delete button.
All you need to do is open the workflow from the Workflow tab, and use the same tools that you used to make the work flow originally. After clicking back and exiting the Workflow, your changes will automatically be saved and updated accross your whole team.
When you edit a workflow that has been attached to Jobs, the existing workflow attachments will not update with the new changes. This way your old data is not lost. After your edit, the changes will only appear in new instances where you attach it to a Job.
Continue doing this until you have made all the steps for your process. Once you are done, you can immediately create a new job with the Workflow attached by selecting in the top right of the screen.