New workflow provider orgs must be vetted and created directly by the Illu team. If you're interested, please contact our Illu Team at 408-214-4771 or .
Feature Overview
Quick Start Steps
To set up the right content and access to your installer base, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Import or create your first Workflow
Workflows are the backbone of illu. They provide an easy way to share and verify common procedures in the field. Let's start off by exploring ready-to-go workflow templates in the Workflow Library.
Open up the illu Workflow Library on your web browser. This includes templates for best practice solar and storage procedures, as well as brand- and model-specific processes
Once you have found a workflow that matches your needs, click Import to pull the workflow into your newly created organization. Your workflow is now ready to be used
You can also create your workflows from scratch.
In the web dashboard, navigate to the Workflows tab using the left hand bar
Press + Add Workflow at the top-right of the page to open the Workflow Editing screen.
Give your first workflow a name (if you're struggling to think of something, why not go with something easy like "My First Workflow" for now). You can also give your workflow a description, or skip that for now.
Now we will create the first step. Press the + on the card. This will create a new Step.
For each step, you can do all of the following:
Add a photo. A picture says more than a thousand words. Click the box at the top of the card to open a pop-up a pick an image from your media collection.
Note: If you haven't uploaded any images yet, you can do so through the pop-up directly: just click the grey + card, select an image from your device, upload it, and then click its card to add it to your step.
Add a title. This will be used in your workflow reports later.
Add instructions. Write some instructions that will help your team members execute this workflow appropriately.
Add an input. Workflows are a great way to gather data on the work your team members are doing. You can let them Confirm that work was done, mark a check as Pass/Fail, or collect some Text or Number input.
Add as many steps as you like. Once you're ready, be sure to save your changes using the "Save" button in the top right corner. Now we're ready to add it to your first Job!
Step 2: Organize your workflows via tags and folders
To make your workflows easier to search, filter, and navigate for your organization and installer network. We recommend using workflow folders and tags.
Workflow folders
To create a new workflow folder, navigate to the Workflows tab in the sidebar, then click the + Add Folder button
Once the folder is created, you can move any workflows or other folders into the folder by clicking the hamburger dropdown at the top right of each workflow tile and selecting Move to Folder
Folders can always be moved, renamed, or deleted
Workflow tags
Step 3: Publish finalized workflows as ready to access by installers
Once your workflows are ready to be shared, you can publish them to your linked installers and also make them sharable by URL and QR code.
Go to the workflow preview mode, but do not enter edit mode.
Click the Unpublished button in the header at the top right hand corner
In the below dialog, click the toggle to publish the workflow
Now, the workflow should show as Published and have an URL link and QR code for sharing.
Now this workflow will appear in all your linked Installer Team's workflows - under your org's name
Step 3: Invite your certified installer teams
Start inviting your certified installers and customers to access your workflows on illu. Once they join, they can browse your published workflows and execute them in their jobs.
To invite new teams, click the Invite new team button on the home page, or go go the Teams tab through the sidebar
To invite a team, enter the team name as well as the phone number and email of their contact person, then press Send invitation
The contact person will receive a invite notification, once they sign up, they will show up with all details in your teams list.
Step 5: Invite your colleagues to join
Now it's time to invite your team. To open the Admin Console, click your Account icon in the top right of the screen. In the pop-down menu, select Admin Console
Note: Once your team members accept the invite, this will start a 14-day trial for your organization. For more information on team subscriptions, see Pricing.
In the Admin Console, open the Members tab
Enter the phone number and email (optional) of the team member you want to invite and select Send Invitation .
Once it is registered, the phone number will appear in the Member's list with the status Pending until they accept the invitation
Now that you know how to make Workflows, invite Installer Teams, and view incoming data, you are ready to start building out your team's processes and work!
A good place to start is with any processes you already have that are well defined (for example, an existing checklist or work instruction document). This could be a commissioning checklist, a preventative maintenance inspection, etc.